Marlboro gold

This is a South East Asian Duty free version of Marlboro gold it costs 3500INR/40USD/39Euros for a carton and this a smuggled one purchased from India, this duty free version is stronger than most of the Marlboro golds available across the globe its very smooth, has a mellow tobacco taste and burns for around 5 mins also it smell less, I switched from Dunhill international as it will not be available here for few days let me me know everyone's opinion on these cigs

This is a South East Asian Duty free version of Marlboro gold it costs 3500INR/40USD/39Euros for a carton and this a smuggled one purchased from India, this duty free version is stronger than most of the Marlboro golds available across the globe its very smooth, has a mellow tobacco taste and burns for around 5 mins also it smell less, I switched from Dunhill international as it will not be available here for few days let me me know everyone's opinion on these cigs